Finding Your True Calling: Discerning God’s Purpose for Your Life

Let me tell you, friends, finding your true calling isn’t always a straightforward path. I spent years chasing success in business before I realized what God really wanted me to BE.

First things first: your calling isn’t just about what you DO. It’s about who you ARE. Remember, we’re human BEings, not human DOings.

Start by asking yourself, “What breaks my heart? What makes me come alive?” For me, it was seeing ministry leaders struggle and burn out. That’s what led to Standing Stone.

Listen to the whispers of God. Sometimes He speaks through circumstances, sometimes through other people. Remember how Bob Shank challenged me to expand Standing Stone beyond just Debbie and me?

Don’t be afraid to try different things. My journey took me from insurance to restaurants to manufacturing before I found my true calling. Each experience taught me something valuable.

Seek wise counsel. Surround yourself with people who know you well and can speak truth into your life. They often see gifts and potential in you that you might miss.

Be patient. Finding your calling is often a process, not an event. It took me years to fully understand what God wanted me to BE.

Remember, your calling isn’t just about you. It’s about how God wants to use you to impact others. When you align your passions and gifts with God’s purposes, that’s where the magic happens.

And here’s the kicker: your calling might evolve over time. Be open to God’s leading, even if it takes you in unexpected directions.

So, keep seeking, keep listening, and keep growing. Your true calling is out there, and it’s more fulfilling than anything you could plan for yourself.

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